4 Things Beginners Should Know About Pilates.

Say hello to your new fave workout.

Pilates has everything (strength! stretch! cute socks!) and is more popular than ever.

But it can be a little intimidating at first. 

If you're a beginner, there are a few things to know about this epic workout style before you start. 

1. It's not a competition 

Learning pilates is just like learning any other skill, it takes time and practice. 

You'll be given options to modify and progress, take them or leave them, your workout is yours alone. 

2. Sometimes it gets weird 

Heads up, some pilates moves can feel a little odd at first. 

It's all a part of the process and will quickly become familiar (and fun!).

If you have a question about a specific pilates exercise, chat to your teacher after class. 

3. Consistency is key 

You've heard it before, consistency is key *cue eyeroll* But this annoying little phrase is actually true. 

When you're looking to create change, whether it's building strength or just switching your brain off for a while, it's all about repetition and routine. 

So how often should you come to class? Find out here.

4. The benefits are endless 

Want to increase strength and endurance, boost your mood, improve your sleep, increase coordination and flexibility and have fun? Pilates is for you.  

Ready to try it out? Head over here and grab The 21 Day Trial.


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